
Saturday, November 2, 2013

Two Fatima talks

[28] Come to me, all you that labour, and are burdened, and I will refresh you. [29] Take up my yoke upon you, and learn of me, because I am meek, and humble of heart: and you shall find rest to your souls. [30] For my yoke is sweet and my burden light.
 -- Gospel According to Saint Matthew 11:28-30

There are two videos here from the recent Fatima "Path to Peace" conference. It may surprise you to be told that the first one by Cornelia Ferreira is very right. I highly encourage you to watch it. It is very enlightening and could easily be the basis for a book.

The second talk by G. Edward Griffin is very wrong as I will explain below.

The talk by G. Edward Griffin is 100% masonic. I doubt that Griffin is a Catholic or that he has ever read a papal encyclical. He should start with Pope Leo XIII's encyclical on Americanism. He is 100% anti-Catholic. He states that collectivism is always 100% bad. What about a Catholic monastery? What about the description in Acts of the early Christian communities that shared everything in common?

Griffin, like so many others, wants to use the Church to further his own political agenda. I don't even think that he believes in God -- oh, maybe a masonic "god" but certainly not Jesus Christ, true God and true man.

Griffin's whole starting off point is "human rights". This also the starting off point of the masonic anti-Catholic French Revolution. Griffin's source of "enlightenment" is the masonic US Constitution and Declaration of Independence. Oh sure, he makes a distinction between intrinsic individual rights and rights granted by the "state", but this is a distinction without basis. "Human rights" are a masonic concept that denies the existence of God. Humans have only one "right" which is to accept the will of God or to reject it. This "right" derives from God given free will. Once we accept the will of God we give up all other "rights" in order to accept the yoke of Christ -- we become slaves of God. This is true "freedom". It is freedom from sin.

If we reject God, this does not make us "free". It makes us slaves of our own sin -- Satan's slaves.

The "ideal government" is the Kingdom of God on earth with Christ the King as the head. This is not a form of "democracy" or a "republic" or a "communist state" or "anarchy" or any of the other masonic variations of the reign of Satan.

The best model we have for a Catholic "one world government" is Christendom as it existed in medieval Europe -- which is much maligned by the "modern" world.

Griffin may consider himself a "conservative" but actually he is a full-blooded "liberal" in the classic sense of the masonic French Revolution.

In contrast the talk by Cornelia Ferreira discusses "World Revolution and Diabolical Disorientation". Griffin would do well to listen carefully to what she has to say, because she is talking directly about him. He is one of the advocates of "revolution" -- in his case expanding the masonic American Revolution. He is pushing an ideology of diabolical disorientation.

Instead of applauding Griffin at the Fatima conference, he should never have been invited. His "libertarianism" is pure poison. Unfortunately, many Catholics believe this form of anti-communist radical capitalism is somehow in harmony with the Church. It is not. It is diametrically opposed to the Church.

Griffin tries to divide the world into two camps -- collectivists and individualists. The only true division that matters is Catholics who believe in the reign of Christ the King and the rest. The others are in the great majority -- throughout history this has always been true. But we have God given hope while those without the true faith live and die in misery.

Griffin makes some good points, but for the wrong reasons. It is true we don't need more laws, what we need is the teaching of the Gospel of Christ. When society is ruled by Christ then laws and the state become subservient to God. What we need is a Christian moral society. Then we would not need to fine people in order to make them do good.

Think of the saints. What motivates them? It is love of Christ.

 + + +

"The desire for peace is certainly harbored in every breast, and there is no one who does not ardently invoke it. But to want peace without God is an absurdity, seeing that where God is absent thence too justice flies, and when justice is taken away it is vain to cherish the hope of peace. "Peace is the work of justice" (Is. xxii., 17). There are many, We are well aware, who, in their yearning for peace, that is for the tranquillity of order, band themselves into societies and parties, which they style parties of order. Hope and labor lost. For there is but one party of order capable of restoring peace in the midst of all this turmoil, and that is the party of God. It is this party, therefore, that we must advance, and to it attract as many as possible, if we are really urged by the love of peace."

1 comment:

  1. Thank you very much for recommending Cornelia Ferreira´s speech. It took me eight years to find out for myself what she has outlined in one hour.
    Yes, it is true what she stated: "democracy" means for communists "communism". In better times, that is 50 years ago, we even had priests who warned us that the communists have given the words another meaning. "Peace" means "communism", too.
    I always have a bad vibe about the so called "pontifical council for justice and peace", especially when I read what they are concerned with most for example: "The Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace released a 6,500-word document last week entitled “Towards Reforming the International Financial and Monetary Systems in the Context of Global Public Authority”."
