
Thursday, April 30, 2015

more of the bergoglio-baal effect

more of the bergoglio-baal effect

In my previous post I asked, "Who are these people and why do they call themselves "catholics"... "

And the answer is...

They are a bunch of communist infiltrators that call themselves "catholics" so that they can corrupt and destroy the Church from within... at the same time they use the Church to further their diabolical political objectives...

... a double-win for the communist infiltrators and a crushing blow to Body of Christ...

... check out the commie-catholic lingo in that Boston Pilot article... after 50 years they have perfected their diabolical double-speak...

... its not bad enough they are using the Church to further the communist-inspired UN population control agenda...

... do they have to pervert the language of the Church as well...

... well, yes because they have to maintain a thin facade of being Catholic in order to not jeopardize their positions of power within the Church...

... although you can see that they barely feel the need to maintain a facade anymore... with bergoglio in charge they can speak their blasphemous minds freely... with no fear of repercussions... and to the thunderous applause of the world...

bergoglio selling souls in exchange for "saving" the planet

bergoglio selling souls in exchange for "saving" the planet

With bergoglio in charge of the UN... I mean the Vatican... the mission of the Church is now to spread the gospel of "global warming" to the farthest ends of the earth...

Who are these people and why do they call themselves "catholics"...


From the Boston Pilot -- "America's oldest Catholic newspaper"...

"Awaiting ecology encyclical, Catholic groups prepare for pope's message"

By Dennis Sadowski
Posted: 4/29/2015

WASHINGTON (CNS) -- Few papal encyclicals have been as eagerly awaited as Pope Francis' upcoming statement on the environment.

While no date other than early summer for its release has been announced, anticipation is building among Catholics as well as non-Catholics and advocates for the environment. Based on the pope's past statements, they expect the document will call people to protect human life and dignity through greater appreciation and preservation of God's creation.

What Pope Francis is expected to say has its roots in God's creation of the world, Dan Misleh, executive director of the Catholic Climate Covenant, told the First Friday Forum of Lorain County in Elyria, Ohio, in early April.

"Pope Francis is first a priest and a pastor," Misleh explained. "He is a Catholic Christian who is reflecting on and articulating the best of our tradition.

"Let us remind ourselves that our creation care tradition goes back to Genesis, not Earth Day. Let us remind ourselves that this ancient teaching is the teaching that was familiar, too, and articulated in new ways by Jesus Christ, reinforced by the witness of St. Francis, expounded upon by St. Thomas Aquinas as well as by St. John Paul and especially Pope Benedict, the 'green pope.'

"Let us remember that what Pope Francis is offering here and will offer in the encyclical is not new teaching, but a new application of that old teaching," Misleh said.

That understanding has made it easier for organizations such as the U.S. and Australian Catholic bishops' conferences, Catholic Relief Services, Catholic advocacy groups and local environmental ministry programs to prepare resources for disseminating and implementing the pope's message.

Representatives of Catholic organizations told Catholic News Service they are not only preparing for active study of the encyclical in parishes and schools, but that they are hopeful the document will open doors with leaders of other faiths and religious traditions, secular environmental groups and policymakers in the U.S. and around the world.

The encyclical and follow-up programs also are being seen as a way to build momentum for Pope Francis' first U.S. visit in September and move world leaders to reach a climate change pact during the U.N. Climate Change Conference meeting in Paris Nov. 30-Dec. 11.

"We want to ensure as best we can that this encyclical is not just written and stuck on a shelf in a library and discussed only by theologians and others in schools. We want this to be a call to action," said Patrick Carolan, executive director of the Franciscan Action Network.

Carolan will be in Rome May 6-8 to meet with representatives of the Global Catholic Climate Movement to discuss how they can best develop and share resources based on Pope Francis' message. A handful of GCCM members were to meet with Pope Francis as well during an audience May 6.

Meanwhile, organizations such as the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, Catholic Relief Services, Catholic Climate Covenant and Catholic Rural Life are working on joint programs as well as complementary resources to share the pope's document.

The bishops will discuss steps to spread the encyclical's message during its spring meeting in June in St. Louis.

"As with any encyclical, I think the conference is going to give an analysis, a read of it, provide some content for people who want to get to know the document," said Mark Rohlena, director of the bishops' Office of Domestic Social Development and its Environmental Justice Program.

CRS planned to highlight its work around the world in communities already affected by climate change, said Joan Rosenhauer, executive vice president for U.S. operations for the agency. "We want to lift up those stories to illustrate what the Holy Father is talking about," she told CNS.

"He's been talking about the intersection of the environment and humanity and the dignity of every person and care for the poor," Rosenhauer explained. "We can illustrate what he has been talking about."

CRS unveiled a new page on its website April 22, Earth Day, offering elementary school programs, a prayer and links to other resources in preparation for the encyclical.

The Catholic Climate Covenant is developing a series of videos outlining the church's long teaching tradition on the environment. Misleh said they will be part of an online and social media effort the organization is planning.

In addition, Misleh and his staff are planning to send homily aids to parishes as a way to encourage priests to discuss the encyclical at Masses.

Around the world, church organizations and Catholic environmental advocates also are preparing educational programs, pamphlets, study guides, classroom aids and special events to introduce and share Pope Francis' message.

"The encyclical just ups the ante in every sense, which is energizing and wonderful. It provides great impetus," said Jacqui Remond, national director of Catholic Earthcare Australia, the ecological program of the Australian Catholic Bishops' Conference.

Remond told CNS the office is working with Caritas Australia to host an information session on the encyclical in August at Parliament House for all elected officials. She called such sessions crucial to helping policymakers understand the church's teaching and the need to act to protect creation.

The real effect of the encyclical will be felt locally in parishes, schools and neighborhoods.

Father Robert Sanson, senior parochial vicar at St. Peter Parish in North Ridgeville, Ohio, is expecting to use the encyclical as a way to share the church's teaching with parishioners who may not be familiar with it.

"I hope to be able to carefully articulate the difference between the church's moral position and political posturing that creates so much divisiveness," he said. "We have to raise the issues of fracking, of capital punishment, of ethical investing and hope they will create a conversation as Pope Francis has asked us."

Sister Jean Verber, a member of the Dominican sisters in Racine, Wisconsin, said it will be important for parishes to engage their members so they better understand why and how Pope Francis is calling each person to take better care of the world.

"The pope has a very significant role to play here it all goes well," she said. "It's very important that people know this and it's one of the ways to engage them."

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Christ LORD and Christ servant

Christ LORD and Christ servant

this is all that the washing of the feet of the Apostles by Jesus Christ on the evening of  his betrayal is all about...

... I am Christ.. your Lord.. and servant.. unto all eternity..

.. we Christians -- which is the same as to say we Catholics -- know that Christ is King -- the ultimate ruler and Lord of all the Universe.. and of all countries.. and over all earthly kings and princes.. dukes  and earls..

.. but Christ is also there to serve us in our needs... when we are sick.. Christ is by our bedside...

.. when we are lonely... Christ finds his way into our hearts and lites a fire to warm our souls..

Christ is there by our side throughout all of this miserable life... and he is waiting to be our guide and our servant when we enter into the Kingdom of Heaven..

.. o beautiful loving merciful servant..

.. o faithful kind just Lord..

.. the first will be last.. the last will be first..

Sunday, April 5, 2015

critical Mass

critical Mass

A nuclear explosion is the result of a "chain reaction" which happens in something on the order of nanoseconds...

... one instance you have a ball of uranium... solid matter... the next moment you have opened a gateway to hell...


Our society is at the point of critical mass... it is a hair's width away from going nuclear...

Today we have a solid society... tomorrow we have chaos...

+ + +

The Catholic Mass is critical. It must be restored to even begin to slow down this chain reaction...

There are many symptoms... there are many causes... there is only one solution...

... The Catholic Church... in all her heavenly glory... the Church Miltant... the Church Triumphant... and especially the suffering souls in purgatory....

... purgatory must be overflowing with souls that were programmed by society to reject Christ... and yet somewhere deep inside the soul, held on dearly to Christ like a drowning man holds on to a life rope in a stormy sea...

Thursday, April 2, 2015

we ALL must be "popes"

we ALL must be "popes"

If there is no pope, then we ALL must be "popes"...

... not in a protestant sense... but in a Catholic sense...

+ + +

Effectively today we have a Church without a pope... this is unprecedented... but in some ways it is not unprecedented...

+ + +

It is not that the Chair of Peter is currently empty... it is currently occupied by one that is aptly described as an anti-pope... but he is also a non-pope...

... the Chair is occupied by one who is totally unworthy to be the successor of Peter... and indeed I have even described him as the successor of Judas...

... all this is true... but it is not the point that I want to make at this time...

+ + +

The sense in which the current situation is NOT unprecedented is this...

... in times past the Catholic world did not receive instantaneous daily reports regardingt the popes words and actions... this has only become possible in the "modern" world through the use of technology... by harnessing electro-magnetic waves... and using them in ever more sophisticated ways to link mankind through a web of communication... a nearly instantaneous web...

... combine this with a culture that has lost all sense of the eternal... that is living for the moment... and is obsessed with "what is happening now"... and that is controlled and manipulated by the agents of satan...

... the result is this "modern" world with its hedonistic and nihilistic culture... which offers an abundance of pleasures for the body... but eternal damnation for the soul... a faustian bargain...

+ + +

Could even a saint of a pope truly defend us -- each and every one of us -- from this ferocious diabolical attack...

... the more saintly the pope, the more the minions of evil will attack, deride and sneer at him... like a hissing serpent... a serpent the size of a sea monster... and evil beyond our imaginations...

... can you imagine the filthy "jokes" that would be offered to humiliate this saintly man by a cadre of celebrities and politicians and newsmen...

... and then re-published and re-transmitted via radio and tv and internet... until every living soul on the planet would be inundated by this filthy wave of diabolical hate and lies...

[... notice that with bergoglio... we have the opposite occurring... the media "stars" controlled by this satanical cabal cannot say enough good things about this pope...]

+ + +

In conclusion, my dear friends, we are utlimately responsible for the salvation of our own souls...

... the same "modern" technology that satan utilizes so well can also be used by the faithful to save ourselves... to educate ourselves and more importantly our souls about the saints... so that our souls will take on that same saintly character...

... save yourself... save your soul... save the souls of your children, your spouse... keep the holy flame of the resurrected Christ alive in your soul... keep His healing ointment on your lips... welcome His love into your heart... and His truth into your mind...

+ + +

Perhaps one day... once the present long-lasting seemingly endless crisis is over... once the children of God learn through their fatal mistakes that without God there is nothing... no life... no love... no freedom... no hope... no joy... no happiness... no salvation...

... perhaps... God willing... the Church will once again convert not just individuals, but whole societies to Christ... because ultimately this is what is required... a society built on the pillars of Christ...

... a society that will not only welcome, but fully embrace a pope-saint... that will lead us into a new golden age of Christianity...

+ + +

But until then... save what little you can... yourself, your family, perhaps your closest friend...

... and to do that you will need to be your own pope... but to do that you will need to train yourself to be a pope, by following the example of those popes that came before... those holy popes... those saintly popes... that fought with all their might against the evils of this "modern" world...

+ + +

Do not wait for a pope-saint for in this lifetime of ours this will not come to pass...

... you will need to become a saint yourself... and not just a saint... but a pope-saint...

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

happy bergoglio day!

happy bergoglio day!

... this would have been a good day for bergoglio to release his enviro-cyclical...

... just saying...


... on this day bergoglio has proclaimed himself to be the patron anti-saint of booger pickers... in his upcoming enviro-cyclical he will promote the re-cycling of boogers...


... on this day bergoglio has announced that he will canonize judas iscariot... because if he's not in hell... he must be in the other place... ipso facto...


... THIS JUST IN... bergoglio has given casa santa marta to the homeless of rome... CORRECTION... bergoglio has declared that a building formerly belonging to the Franciscans of the Immaculate will be turned into housing for the homeless and will be called "the casa santa marta home for homeless"... bergoglio will inaugurate the new home by personally providing free haircuts...