
Sunday, May 11, 2014

Goodbye to our dear friends at "Protect the Pope"

[5] But be thou vigilant, labour in all things, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill thy ministry. Be sober. [6] For I am even now ready to be sacrificed: and the time of my dissolution is at hand. [7] I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.

Second Epistle Of Saint Paul To Timothy 4:5-7

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God Bless You Deacon Nick and Madam Donnelly!

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There will be no further news postings on Protect the Pope

I am now stopping news posting on this website.

Thank you to the many people who have been praying.

Thank you also to all of those who have constructively engaged and contributed to this news website.

Please pray for Deacon Nick, our Bishop, myself, and the Church.

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From Chapter 1 of von Hildebrand’s work, The Devastated Vineyard, entitled The Lethargy of the Guardians:

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But they want to silence the faithful believers who take up the cause of orthodoxy, the very people who should by all rights be the joy of the bishops’ hearts, their consolation, a source of strength for overcoming their own lethargy. Instead, these people are regarded as disturbers of the peace. And should it happen that they get carried away in their zeal and express themselves in a tactless or exagger­ated manner, they are even suspended. This clearly shows the cowardice which is hidden behind the bishops’ failure to use their authority. For they have nothing to fear from the orthodox; the orthodox do not control the mass media or the press; they are not the representatives of public opinion. And because of their submission to ecclesiastical authority, the fighters for orthodoxy will never be as aggressive as the so-called progressives. If they are reprimanded or disciplined, their bishops run no risk of being attacked by the liberal press and being defamed as reactionary.

This failure of the bishops to make use of their God-given authority is perhaps, in practical consequences, the worst confusion in the Church today. For this failure not only does not arrest spiritual diseases, heresies, and the blatant as well as the insidious (and this is much worse) devastation of the vineyard of the Lord; it even gives free rein to these evils. The failure to use holy authority to protect the holy Faith leads necessarily to the disintegration of the Church.

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