
Monday, March 2, 2015

bergoglio for dummies

bergoglio for dummies

alright... for all of you who are too stupid to figure this out on their own... they don't call you "dummy" for nothing...

think... think... haven't i seen this somewhere before... ?

... remember... paul 6... pill.... knock-knock... anybody home... ?

ah yes-s-s... humanae vitae... possibly the most ineffective encyclical ever released by any pope...

bergoglio will issue his familia vitae... in which he will uphold Church doctrine... nothing has changed...

... but in fact by that time half of the world will have already instituted a change in pastoral practice... and the toothpaste isn't going back in the tube just because of a papal encyclical that says so...

... and Cardinal Burke will breath a deep sigh of relief because he won't have to "resist" the advances of bergoglio after all...

... just like i imagine all the "conservative" bishops after vatican 2 have been breathing constant sighs of relief that well... at least Church doctrine hasn't changed... the hermeneutic of continuity hasn't ruptured yet, but it has a tumor the size of a football and is about ready to explode...

... and bergoglio is bringing his favorite anti-Catholic fan to the party...

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