
Monday, October 13, 2014

bergoglio's synod on sex omitted NOTHING!

bergoglio's synod on sex omitted NOTHING!

CORRECTION (10/15): A reader has informed me that the statement from the Polish bishops was mis-translated by Rorate Caeli. It should say "the document omits entirely the topic of sin." (See comment below.)

My sincerest apologies to the Church in Poland for this misunderstanding. I don't have time to re-edit the whole article, but please take this information into account.

From draft document of bergoglio's synod on sex [ LINK ]:

"Are our communities capable of providing that, accepting and valuing their [sodomites] sexual orientation?"

And yet we are told that "the doctrine presented in the document is marked by the sin of omission." [ LINK ]

Excuse me, but what was ommitted from this statement? Is there an omission because it does not include a graphical description of the actual sinful act of sodomy?


No, there is no omission. There is a direct call to accept and value those who actively and with great "pride" engage in sodomy and also therefore for this satanical sexual act itself.

We can pray for such terribly lost souls, but we cannot "accept and value" them as they are.

Sorry, this statement is a sin of comission and not omission and to say otherwise is to implicitly endorse such heretical statements and the unholy sexual practices that it promotes.


  1. This "sin of omission" is a mistranslation from Polish on Rorate-Caeli site.

    The original text reads:

    "Dziś w dyskusji zwrócono również uwagę, że doktryna przedstawiona w dokumencie w ogóle pominęła temat grzechu."

    "In today's discussion a point was made that the doctrine presented in the document omits entirely the topic of sin."

    No "sin of omission" but "sin was omitted".

    1. Hello B Rumm,

      Thank you for letting me know about the translation error. I have updated the article with a correction statement at the top. Unfortunately, I don't have time to re-edit the whole article, but I think the corrrection statement is sufficient for readers to be aware of what the Polish bishops actually said.

      Thanks again and my sincerest apologies to the Church in Poland for the misunderstanding.

      Yours in Christ,
