
Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Plim Plim the pro-satanism clown (and bergoglio's friend)

Plim Plim the pro-satanism clown (and bergoglio's friend)

Dear reader. My apologies.... I thought we were done discussing the occult Plim Plim clown character, but there is more you need to know.

The original "co-exist" banner featuring Plim Plim is slightly different from the one posted on Vatican Radio. The difference is in the letter 'i' -- the original version had as the dot of the 'i' a five pointed star which represents wicca/pagan satanic religions. (See below.)

The original is found on the Plim Plim facebook page in an entry for August 8 with the following comment from Plim Plim.

Plim Plim
¡Hola amigos!
¡Construyamos juntos la paz mundial!
‪#‎ClaroQueSi‬! ‪#‎Coexist‬ ‪#‎Coexitir‬ ‪#‎Paz‬ ‪#‎Peace‬


It appears that someone censored the Vatican radio version -- I'm guessing that it was someone on the staff of the Plim Plim show who realized that openly promoting "coexist-ence" with satanism would not be well received by a Catholic audience....

....better to discretely promote "coexist-ence" with satanism a la bergoglio and his atheist friends.

H/T Rorate Caeli -- LINK


See also:

bergoglio teams up with Plim Plim the clown to promote coexist-ence between religions


Is cartoon bergoglio infallible?


Plim Plim the occult magic clown (and bergoglio's friend)


1 comment:

  1. Michael - thank you hugely for posting this important information. God bless you and the work you are doing here on your blog.
