
Sunday, August 3, 2014

"Synod on Sex!": Coming soon to a parish near you...

"Synod on Sex!": Coming soon to a parish near you...

The "synod on the family" aka the "synod on sex" because it is really all about justifying all the sexual sins by casting a "mercy spell" is coming up soon -- Oktober 5 - Oktober 19... just two months away.

If you haven't made up your mind about this synod, then what are you waiting for?

Are you taking a "wait and see" attitude?

Have you been completely asleep for the past year?

Are you drunk?

It is crystal clear already that communion for divorced and re-married will be approved.

Now the synodal document will not say that, but....

Somewhere I remember reading about an analogy of a sandwich to describe the Vatican II documents and their "pastoral" (i.e. modernist) language. (I think it may have been Archbishop Lefebvre that used this analogy.)


Yes, baloney!

Picture a baloney sandwich with 2 super-sized pieces of bread (white or whole wheat -- it really doesn't matter) and in between is a razor thin slice of baloney...

The neo-Catholics look at the sandwich and say, "Look! Baloney!" While they ignore the super-sized pieces of bread that are the bulk of the sandwich.

The liberal "catholics" look to the spirit of the sandwich which they rightly claim is contained in the bulky bread.

Who is right? Is the document "meaty" as the neo-Catholics claim because of the presence of tiny amounts of a meat-like substance?

Or is it truly in spirit a meat-less product as interpreted by the liberal "catholics"?

It's both!

This is the beauty of modernist "pastoral" language -- the "truth" is all in the "interpretation" (or perhaps in the "hermeneutic"?)

Enough of that...

 + + +


How does this play out at the parish level?

Well, pretty much as you would expect if you have lived through the post Vatican II era....

Each bishop and each priest will interpret this pretty much however they feel like....

So will divorced and re-married be allowed to take communion?

What do you think?

Oh, you're asking me?

It doesn't really matter what I think.... or what you think....

Or even what the pope thinks once this whole thing has been set in motion....

The "people of God" will just follow their [malformed] consciences.... sometimes supported by statements from the pulpit and sometimes not....

Mostly the reaction from the priests and bishops will be..... [silence]

The secular press will proclaim that it is officially allowed....

The Vatican spokesman (or woman or transgender?) will reply that officially it isn't allowed.... well, sort of.... most of the time..... except under certain vague circumstances.... well, really its up to the priest in the privacy of the confessional.... well, sort of.... except....

This is already happening.... or didn't you notice...

The "synod on sex" will just put its official seal on this chaotic situation.

And who loves Chaos more than anyone else?


bzzzz "NO! Wrong answer!" ...

"Please try again...."

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